We are planning on having a Simonsberg Reunion in Johannesburg at The Rand Club on Thursday 24 November 2016. At this stage we are trying to assess the interest for the event but potential details are as follows:
Date: Thurs 24 Nov 2016
Venue: The Rand Club, Johannesburg (If anyone is a member at The Rand Club please let us know as this would reduce the cost).
Details: Similar to the last time the idea is to get together with friends and like minded ou manne for a good time at a venue with as much prestige and history as our Koshuis.
There won’t be many formalities, perhaps an update on the Koshuis from the current Prim and potentially an Old Boy keynote speaker.
Please clear your diaries for Thursday Evening 24 November. We are aiming at getting about 200 Old Simonsbergers there so please pass this on to your fellow Ou Manne.
More correspondence to follow and you can keep updated on the https://www.facebook.com/Simonsbergbond or check the Simonsberg Alumni group on LinkedIn. If you have any ideas or want more information, please respond to this address simonbondjhb@gmail.com.